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Best Practices for Maintaining Overhead Line Connectors

Views: 337     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-10-23      Origin: Site

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Best Practices for Maintaining Overhead Line Connectors including the following aspects.

Regular inspection

Inspect connectors regularly to ensure there is no visible damage, corrosion, or wear. Focus on contact points and insulation. For example, insulator side tie, insulator double side tie and insulator top tie. Especially the bird flight diverter on the wire.


Keeping Clean

Keep connectors clean from dirt, dust, and other substances that may affect electrical conductivity. Using appropriate cleaners and tools, and avoid materials that can damage the connectors.

Tightening check

Make sure that all connector bolts and nuts are tightened in place to prevent poor contact due to looseness.

Anti-corrosion treatment

Conduct anti-corrosion treatment on the metal parts, such as coating with anti-corrosion paint, to extend the service life of the connector.

Record maintenance

Establishing detailed maintenance records, including inspection dates, problems found and handling measures, to facilitate follow-up tracking and analysis.

Regular replacement

Replace aging or severely damaged connectors in a timely manner to avoid safety hazards.

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